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Outdoor skatepark in Enschede City center

Saracg Saracg  •  20-02-2022  •  71 opmerkingen  •  Actieplan Binnenstad  • 

I think that an outdoor skatepark would be a very good way to make the city more fun for kids and young adults. At the moment there is only the indoor skatepark in the performance factory, which is not affordable for everyone and it's not as nice as concrete ground such as the skatepark in Hengelo.

Another idea would be to organize a roller disco at a school or sports hall some evenings a week in case of low budget. This could also be a very fun activity to have in Enschede.

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  • jimwatson

    De skate community blijft groeien in Enschede. Specifieke locaties zijn vereist om dit in goede banen te leiden. Op dit moment vereist het een rit naar Hengelo om goed buiten te kunnen skaten.

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    • aaps

      Leuk plan, in Hengelo ziet dit er ook altijd grappig uit, laten we er ook een aanleggen in Enschede. Hengelo conculega's toch ?

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      • WillemJ

        Not really true; there is also a skatepark next to the station. But there could be more; also in the outer districts

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        • Samuel

          The skatepark next to the station has a very rough ground, which makes you slow down faster so it's more exhausting and it damages your board (and yourself). There is very little variation and it's not useful for beginners at all. Even a (covered) flat spot with smooth ground would be better...

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